Insurance Website Builder Adds Compliance Feature
Insurance Technologies Corporation (ITC), a leading provider of marketing, rating and management software and services, announced today the addition of compliance auditing to Insurance Website Builder for MGAs, aggregators and agency clusters.
Carrollton, Texas – Wednesday, September 24, 2014 –

Insurance Technologies Corporation (ITC), a leading provider of marketing, rating and management software and services, announced today the addition of compliance auditing to Insurance Website Builder for MGAs, aggregators and agency clusters.
“Organizations like MGAs or aggregators want to provide their member agents with websites but still have control over the content on those websites,” said Laird Rixford, president at ITC. “We’re excited to announce our new compliance auditing feature, which allows these organizations to have that control while still giving agents the ability to edit their website content.”
How compliance auditing works in Insurance Website Builder: When a member agent makes a change to the content of his or her insurance agency website or creates a new blog post, a link to the new content is sent to the organization’s compliance department. The compliance department can approve, edit or reject the content change. If approved, the content change is made live instantly.
If the organization’s compliance department edits the content change, the edited content is made live instantly, and the agent is notified, including why the department edited the content change. If the compliance department rejects the content change, the agent is notified of why it was not accepted.
About ITC
Insurance Technologies Corporation (ITC), founded in 1983, is a leading provider of agency marketing, rating and management software and services to the insurance industry, including independent agents and insurance carriers. Headquartered in Carrollton, Texas, ITC helps its customers across the United States grow their businesses and become more efficient through the philosophy of providing quality software and services. Currently, ITC serves more than 150 insurance companies and more than 6,000 agencies. For more information, visit us online at