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Secure and HIPAA Compliant Websites

Whether you sell life, health, employee benefit plans that require HIPAA compliance or other lines of business that do not, ITC believes having a secure insurance agency website is important to the security of your agency's and clients' data. While other hosting companies charge you for E&O, PCI or HIPAA compliant websites, ITC includes it on all plans free of charge.

Designed from the ground up as a content management system for insurance agencies, security and compliance have been a part of the design process from the beginning. During the design process of the Insurance Website Builder platform, E&O lawyers and carriers, agents, and insurance companies were consulted as to the best practices required to running an online storefront for today's modern agency.

In addition to the security built into it, the Insurance Website Builder platform is built upon the same technology used to host our rating and management systems, which are used by more than 6,000 agencies and 250 carriers. Our hosting solution is designed to offer a reliable and secure infrastructure that meets and exceeds the needs of your carriers' compliance departments.

SAS70 & SSAE-16 Datacenter

The Insurance Website Builder system is hosted within a SSAE 16 and SAS70 Type II certified data center. A report is available upon request.

Encrypted Form Submissions

All form submissions from your website are stored within encrypted storage. When a visitor completes a form on your website, you will receive an email with basic non-personally identifiable information (PII) and a link. When you click the link, you are required to log in to the secure back-end console to retrieve the complete details. At no time is PII sent in plain text via email or web communication.

SSL Secured Forms

Forms on your website are secured using the same SSL technology that secures your online banking and shopping connections. No pop-up windows or IFrames are used. As required by many E&O policies, you also have the ability to secure all forms on your website, including, but not limited to, contact, referral and partner forms.

TLS/SSL Email Connection

Email has become commonplace within the business world. Most standard email is insecure. ITC's email system communicates via the TLS/SSL secure channel - similar technology to web browser security - to provide an additional level of security. The level of security is only as good as who you are sending to/from. If the remote server does not support TSL/SSL secure connections, then your email will be sent insecurely. Therefore, if you are required to send personally identifiable information, such as Social Security Numbers or driver's license numbers, we still recommend you use an encrypted delivery service or use the secure file area included within the Insurance Website Builder platform.

Secure Webmail Access

On the go or don't have access to a secure email client? You can access your email using our webmail system via a secure SSL connection.

Email Archiving

To achieve full HIPAA compliance, you may be required to archive all emails sent or received by your agency. The Insurance Website Builder system allows you to add email archiving for $4/month/email address.

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1415 Halsey Way, Suite 314 | Carrollton, TX 75007
Phone: (800) 383-3482