Bronze Silver Gold Platinum Emerald

Partner & Trusted Professionals Page

Flexible, powerful, marketing driven partner pages

Partner and trusted professional pages allows your agency to develop long term relationships with local business that you have partnered with. With these pages you can build a relationship with third-party providers while developing a lead source for them as well as your agency.

Leading Design

Don’t settle for simple lists of categories and partners. They do not work. You need to draw visitors in through the use of photos and well laid out designs. The partner pages within the Insurance Website Builder system includes over 2000 photos for our 2100 partner categories. These customized images help draw the user deeper into your site, increasing the chance of them utilizing your partner pages.

Relationship Building Lead Generation Form

A lead generation form is an important part of building a partnership with your partners. Pages that do not include a form and simply link to the partner do not allow you the ability to determine who you are passing to your partners. By including a lead generation form, you can request that the visitor fill out their contact information. Once completed, the Insurance Website Builder system will send an email from the agent to the partner detailing the contact request. This reinforces the relationship between the two companies because your website is actively providing the partner with leads. Hopefully, your partner will recognize the effort you have made and return the favor.

Search Engine Friendly URLs

In addition to providing a great flow and attractive eye-candy to the visitor, your partner pages need to include “0 and 1” candy to the search engines. Therefore, each partner and category page has been optimized for the search engines. This optimization includes dynamic and unique title and description tags, sitemap.xml inclusion, as well as a keyword rich web address.

Easy to Setup

We strived for was to make adding partners to the system easy. Within our administration console, simply select the partner’s category, input the partners name, contact information (website, phone, address, and social media), description, optional image, and click the Add Partner button. The system will do the rest. No more fiddling with HTML pages, or cumbersome interfaces to create a partner page that has all of the features that comes built in every Gold and Platinum level Insurance Website Builder website.

Detailed Information

Partners have their own dedicated page on your website. Each page contains information about the partner, including full contact info, logo, website links, social media profile links, full description, driving directions and a lead generation form.

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