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Customer Payment Options

Give your customers the option

Insurance Website Builder allows you to add payment options on your website. With these convenient options, your customers will have the ability to make a payment through your website any time of the day or night. Increase your retention by having your customers make a payment from your website. Receive payment information to process through your agency merchant account, or link your customers directly to your carrier company payment websites.

Increased Retention

Give your customers more options for paying their policies online. Minimize your cancellations due to non-payment by directing customers to pay on your website with easy-to-use payment options such as credit cards, bank accounts and direct company payment links. Lower your overall client loss by providing the options online-savvy customers are looking for.

Online Payment Form

The online payment form includes the option to securely accept customer payment information. VISA, MasterCard, Discover and American Express credit card information can be collected. In addition to these credit card options, you have the ability to accept bank information for ACH or electronic check drafts directly from a customer's checking or savings account. Insurance Website Builder does not include merchant services; it merely complements your current merchant account.

Direct Company Payment Links

Direct links to company payment websites will save your CSRs time and your agency's bottom line. With a library of predefined company payment links and the option to add custom links, your insurance agency website will be the place your customers will rely on for their policy payment needs.

Secure Form

Included with your website is a free SSL 128byte/1024bit secure site certificate. Commonly, web hosting companies will charge up to $299/year for securing your site. Secure SSL forms are included free of charge on all Insurance Website Builder websites. Your website will use the same level of encryption you enjoy with your online bank.

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